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Veteran Females United
Veteran Females United (VFU) engages, empowers and inspires female veterans to lead successful lives.
The organization provides fellowship, guidance and support to female veterans and their families.
VFU is volunteer driven, 501 (c) 3 non profit organization advocating for female veterans in the RGV & Central Texas.
VFU is known for the establishment of the statue of a female at Brownsville Veterans Park.

VFU Support Network

VFU recognizes the following businesses and individuals for their committment and support of women veterans and their families.
JKJ Workforce Agency, Inc.
Harlingen, Texas

Beautiful Beginnings Child Care Learning Center
Brownsville, Texas

Janet Evins
Harlingen, Texas
Lilia A. Garcia
Harlingen, Texas
Pat & Beth Pace
Brownsville, Texas

Cameron County Sheriff Deputies Association
Cardenas Development Company, Inc.
Brownsville, Texas
Amor Eterno
Provider Services, LLC
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